Bee Boxes for Sale!
Designed as Honey Bee Queen Mating Nucs I have been using these for a number of years for Native bees . I have colonies of TC’s, TH’s and AA’s in these boxes.

These boxes are manufactured in Germany from very high density polystyrene. I have quite a few surplus to my needs as it was cheaper to import them in bigger numbers.
The base boxes are 220mm wide by 270mm long. With the feet and the lid on the base section is 175mm high. The second level is 220 W x 270 L x 100 H. The lid is tight fitting and 20mm thick and fits either section so you can start colonies in the base section then add the second section when the colony grows and just move the lid. The boxes are stackable.

I am able to post these boxes individually or in packing boxes of six.
Best price will be for 48 units (which will be two large boxes of 24 units each of the bases and one of the second tiers with 48 units. This is how they come packed from Germany). These boxes are too large to send through Australia Post so will either have to be picked up from Kin Kin on the Sunshine Coast or a courier organised.
These bee boxes are easily modified to incorporate different entrance designs etc. I add a second overhanging tin lid to hives out in the full sun. I also use a viewing panel under the lid.

Boxes will come with both sections, feeder, screened bottom board and three way entrance and lid as seen in photo below.
1 Box – $50 each plus postage
6 Boxes – $240 ($40 each) plus postage
48 Boxes – $1680 ($35 each) pick up
Postage (Australia Post)
1 Box – $21.50 Brisbane, $22.50 Sydney
Box of 6 – $50 Brisbane, $62 Sydney
Buy a Bee Box?
‘Contact Us’ for further information on postage to other destinations and quotes for courier pick up for larger numbers.
CONTACT USWelcome to
Kin Kin Native Bees
Hello and welcome to our website and thank you for your interest in native bees.
Kin Kin Native Bees are producers of hives of two species of native stingless bees, Tetragonula carbonaria and Tetragonula hockingsi.
These hives are available for rental to commercial orchardists and for sale to the general public when available. Availability of hives is generally seasonal.

Please contact us to discuss purchase of hives or rental for pollination of your orchard or crop.
Contact UsServices
Native bee rescue, contract pollination, sales of hives and empty boxes. Information on keeping your own hive. We now also give educational talks to school groups and also sell nesting blocks for solitary bees as well as provide information on how to make your own.

Commercial Pollination
Australian Native Bees are extremely effective pollinators of many horticultural crops as well as native plants. They have a number of advantages which have proven to increase nut and fruit size and yield. Their small size allows them to easily negotiate small, delicate flowers such as the macadamia flower. The bees have only about a 500 M flight range from their hive so if placed in the middle of an orchard, they will only work flowers within this range. Normal honeybees have a much greater flight range and can often fly straight past the intended host crop in search of more appealing flowers. Also while honeybees forage for nectar and pollen spread is incidental, native bees visit mainly for pollen which greatly assists crops which require cross pollination.
Native stingless bees have proven effective on these crops: Macadamia, Avacado, Strawberries, Rockmelon, Watermelon, Mango, Blueberries, Citrus and Lychee, with many more being trialed.

Backyard Pollination
A hive of Australian Native Stingless Bees is a must for any avid backyard veggie grower, market gardener or hobby farmer. Not only will they pollinate your fruit trees and veggie plants but, as they are stingless, you can put your hive right in the middle of your plot or yard without the fear of anyone being stung. This also lets you and the kids get right up close to the hive and watch the bees take off to forage and then return carrying their little bags of pollen, land, and run into the hive. Here’s a tip though. When watching your bees stand slightly to the side of the hive so as the bees approach on their return flight they can still see the entrance to their hive.
With the addition of an extra level to your hive (honey super) you too can produce your own delicious native bee honey.

Bee Rescue
If you know of a hive of native bees in danger of being destroyed through land clearing, or storm damage to trees containing nesting sites, please contact us and we will arrange for a hive rescue.
Contact us
We sell hives and empty boxes and provide Information on keeping your own hive. We also sell nesting blocks for solitary bees as well as provide information on how to make your own.
Check us out on YouTube
Kin Kin Native BeesBee info
We have acquireda wealth of knowledge about native bees and are happy to share.
Frequently asked questions
Stingless Bees
At Kin Kin Native Bees we keep the most common three species of stingless bees;
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Solitary Bees
At Kin Kin native bees we are also trying to build up numbers of solitary native bees by providing nesting blocks and houses to suit some of the many other bees native to this area.
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Valley Bees Community
Valley Bees is a group committed to nurture and maintain the population of all bees in the local environment.
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Indigenous significance
Gaiya is one of the names used by the Gubbi Gubbi people of the Sunshine Coast for the native stingless bee.
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Australian native bee links
Links to other some websites and communities that care about australian native bees.
Hello HoneyAussie BeeMary River Catchment Coordinating CommitteeValley Bees CommunityGallery
Contact us
Kin Kin Native Bees is located in the village of Kin Kin in the Noosa hinterland on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.
Contact us to discuss purchase of hives or rental for pollination of your orchard or crop.